Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Frog Spawn Place Value

Frog Themed Place Value Workjobs 


Photo Credit: Frog and Toad Eggs
on Flickr, Creative Commons.

Frogs lay their eggs in clusters and toads lay their eggs in strings.

To practice place value:

1. Lay out a sheet of blue paper (Pond Mathmat) Cut it down the middle. On one paper write frog eggs and on the other write toad eggs.

2. Roll dice of two different colors. The black die could be the ones and the green could be the tens.

3. Use White Reinforcement circles to show the number in clusters (Frog Spawn) or in strings of tens and ones (Toad Spawn)

4. Write the number in digits on the back of each one.

Later on these papers could be laminated and become a matching game with the answers on the back for self-checking.

This is adapted from an idea in Instructor , March, 2001 by Jacqueline Clarke .

More activities with a frog theme can be found at: The Frog Unit Study

Monday, December 20, 2010

Frogs are a popular Unit Study

Children love learning about animals and frogs are one of the more interesting wild animals that can easily be observed by children. In the Frog Unit Study, written by The Homeschool Club Co-Founder, Evelyn Saenz, children learn about frogs and all areas of the curriculum are addressed.

The games Swat the Verb Flies has children pretending to be frogs catching flies. Frogs only eat insects that are moving. By using fly swatters, the children swat at fly shaped cards which have words written on them. If the word is a verb, a word that shows motion, the children (Froglets) swat it.

The games and activities in this Frog Unit Study are unique and original. Be sure to visit often for more frog themed activities all across the curriculum...

The Frog Writing Center

Writing Process

The green spotted table and frog chairs inspire young frogs to write their life histories.

Provide plenty of paper, pencils, and frogs to observe. Novelty pens that are shaped like frogs or paper that is cut in a frog shape can also inspire writing.

Spend time writing every day. Write in all curriculum areas and don't forget to publish the best writing so that everyone can be inspired to write more.

The more you write about frogs the more you will learn about frogs because writing requires observation, deep thinking and accuracy in expressing your thoughts.

From The Frog Unit Study: Hopping to Learn

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Autumn Frog and Leaf Litter

Fallen leaves provide shelter for a multitude of animals including earthworms, pillbugs, and millipedes. These animals provide food for frogs, toads, and other small animals. As winter draws near, the leaf litter becomes a warm blanket which helps these small animals to survive the cold.

Consider leaving a leaves on a portion of your lawn to increase the fauna of your yard. The frogs and other small animals will thank you and reward you with more wildlife sitings in the coming year.

Photo Credit: Portrait of Toad
on Flickr, Creative Commons.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Mixing frog green for Painting Frogs

Green Frog Paint
Color the Frog Green

Set out lots of yellow and some blue and let the kids mix the colors to make various shades of green.

Frog Painting

Photo Credit: Frog Watercolor
on Flickr, Creative Commons.

Large paper covered in shades of green can be cut into frog or vegetation shapes to create bulletin boards, collages or other froggy art projects.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cat-o-nine-tails in the Frog Pond

Today we look at cat-o-nine tales. Growing up in Vermont, Cat-o-nine-tails grew in swampy areas along the roads, in the setbacks of ponds and in low lying damp areas. I remember picking them with my mother and feeling the roughness of their brown blossoms. When we picked them in the late fall they would fall apart in clouds of fluff to disperse in the wind looking for another damp spot to sprout and grow new plants.
Cattails For Anne

Cattails For Anne
Tuck, Ann
Buy at AllPosters.com

When we walked down to the frog pond in summer we would notice the Redwinged Blackbirds sitting on the Cat-o-nine-tails. The Cat-o-nine-tails stuck up a bit higher than the rest of the vegetation proving a perch for the blackbirds while they searched for insects to devour.
My sister and I loved to have sword fights with the Cat-o-nine-tails. Their stiff stems held up quite well and there were always more when the ones we were using broke.

How sad I felt one day when I heard than an invasive species, Purple Loosestrife is taking over the Cat-o-nine-tail’s habitat. Though Purple Loosestrifeis a beautiful plant, I would feel that the world was a poorer place if Cat-o-nine-tails no longer existed.

More recently I discovered what fun it can be to use a Cat-o-nine-tail as a pointer for word walls. They are a delightful addition to our Frog Unit Study. The children love to hold the Cat-o-nine-tail and point to words that we are reading about frogs and their habitat.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Using frogs to enhance learning...

Looking around my house I discovered that we had many different frog shaped objects that could be used to inspire children to work on language arts and math skills while playing games. Often these games are so much fun that the children may not even realize that they are working on these skills. Recently I was given a pair of froggy salt and pepper shakers. What could we do with them?

I posed this question to the children and soon we were out in the driveway creating a frog pond with lily pad place markers. We drew them with sidewalk chalk and used the salt and pepper shakers for place holders.

Learn more about this game on my Frog Unit Study.

Toby The Toad Frog Salt And Pepper Shakers For Kitchen Decor

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How to create frog green paint. Mix, swirl and paint a frog...

Mixing frog greenFrog Painting

Photo Credit: Frog Watercolor
on Flickr, Creative Commons.

Whether you want just straight green or you want to mix up your own there's enough paint here to paint hundreds, maybe even thousands frogs.

Set out lots of yellow and some blue and let the kids mix the colors to make various shades of green.

Large paper covered in shades of green can be cut into frog or vegetation shapes to create bulletin boards, collages or other froggy art projects.

For more Froggy Art Ideas be sure to check out Frog Art: Art Projects for the Frog Unit Study

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Frog Lifecycle Games

Spring is a wonderful time to learn about the life cycle of frogs.

1) You can print, color and laminate the Frog Racing Life Cycle Game.

2) The Life Cycle of Frogs in French

English: .
  1. Before hatching
  2. Newly hatched larvæ hanging on to water-weed
  3. With external gills
  4. External gills are covered over and are absorbed
  5. Limbless larva about a month old with internal gills
  6. Tadpole with hind-legs, about two months old
  7. With the fore-limbs emerging
  8. With all four legs free
  9. A young frog, about three months old, showing the almost complete absorption of the tail and the change of the tadpole mouth into a frog mouth.
Français : .
  1. Avant l'éclosion
  2. Larves juste après l'éclosion s'accrochant à des algues
  3. Avec des branchies extérieures
  4. Les branchies extérieures sont recouvertes et sont absorbées
  5. Larves sans membres d'environ un moi avec des branchies internes
  6. Têtard avec jambes arrières, d'environ deux mois
  7. Avec les jambes avant qui paraissent
  8. Avec les quatre jambes libres
  9. Une jeune grenouille d'environ trois mois, montrant une absorption presque totale de la queue ainsi que le changement de la gueule de têtard en celle de grenouille.

To create this Frog in French game, Make cards

Photo Credit: Frog Life Cycle
on Wikipedia Commons.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Florida's Pig Frogs were saved by Save The Frogs!

Because of Save The Frogs, Florida's Pig Frogs
are no longer on the menu at San Francisco's Restaurant Gary Danko. This a major victory for SAVE THE FROGS! and for worldwide amphibian conservation efforts as this is a well-know place in culinary circle and it is expected that more and more restaurants around the world will follow their lead.

The 3rd Annual Save The Frogs Day will be on Friday April 29th, 2011.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Annual Frog Count

Each spring volunteers tramp through the woods searching out vernal pool in order to record the numbers of frogs for the annual frog count. Data are collected using a calling survey technique, in which volunteers identify local amphibian species by their unique breeding vocalizations or calls.

You can go to The North American Amphibian Monitoring Program to sign up. According to the Burlington Free Press volunteers are especially needed to Count Frogs in Northern Vermont.

Volonteers needed to Count Frogs in Northern Vermont!

The North American Amphibian Monitoring Program is having a trouble finding volunteers in northern Vermont to help with the annual survey of frog populations.

Volunteers learn to recognize about a dozen different frogs by their spring calls, then go out on three evenings over three months to listen for the amphibians.

Scientists have been worried for a number of years about the global decline of frogs, salamanders and other amphibians — a puzzle that has been blamed on habitat destruction, disease, pesticide use and other possible causes.

Collecting background data on populations is an essential element in tracking species decline (or recovery) — the grunt work of science to which trained volunteers can contribute.

I’ll bet there are few Vermonters who can’t identify a spring peepers, but for the rest, the U.S. Geological Survey has excellent recordings of frog calls on line.

To learn more, go to www.pwrc.usgs.gov/naamp/index.cfm . If you’d like to enlist, send email to Vermont’s coordinator, Joe Przypek, jjprzypek@yahoo.com. Among the routes still available are ones in Starksboro, St. Albans, Barre, Ryegate and Topsham.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Save The Frogs Day!

April 30, 2010 has been declared Save the Frogs Day!

Amphibians around the world are threatened with extinction. Save the Frogs Day will help to promote awareness of the plight of amphibians.

We encourage you to show your appreciation of frogs and all other amphibians by joining in celebrations all around the world.

In 2009, events took place in 15 countries, and Save The Frogs Day was legally recognized by the Governor of Virginia, the Mayor of Vancouver, British Columbia and the Chairman of Prince William County, Virginia.

You could suggest Save the Frogs Day Celebrations to your Boy or Girl Scout Troop, School Class, Homeschool Group, Science Club, Museum, Library or zoo. Please let us know how you will celebrate and who you will celebrate with.

It's time to Save the Frogs!

You will find dozens of frog related activities to get your children in the mood for Save the Frogs Day at Frog Unit Study: Hopping to Learn...

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Frog Pond in Winter

Walking down to the Frog Pond in WinterIt's the middle of the winter and the frogs are all tucked in beneath a blanket of mud. The frog pond is frozen over and the children wonder if the frogs could be frozen as well. Some children believe that the ice goes all the way to the bottom. Some believe that ice forms at the bottom of the pond first. Others believe that ice forms on top first. We decide to do an experiment.

1. Fill a clear shallow dish with water and place it in the freezer.
2. Set a timer to check it ever 1/2 hour. Check to see if it is starting to freeze. If so where is it starting to freeze?
3. I made a paper with an outline drawing of the bowl and a place to record the time when checked.

We discovered that ice formed around the edge first. We then noted that the ice covered the top of the water before it finally froze on the bottom. Would that be true of the frog pond?

We then decided to go down to the frog pond to check the ice there.

NOTE: I went over the safety rules for going out onto ice covered ponds.

We used a crowbar to make a hole in the ice. We discovered that the ice was 12 inches thick but that the water was not frozen below that.

The Story of Bremer Pond is an article about caring for fish in a pond during the winter. The children loved listening to the article and had many questions as well as suggestions for scientific experiments.

Be sure to check out lots more frog related activities from our Frog Unit Study.

When we came back from the pond each day, the children would write letters or notes to their penpals about their discoveries. Writing about their discoveries gives the children a purpose for writing. Receiving responses to their letters creates motivation for more observation and discovery.

Be sure to check out the new Frog Stamps on Zazzle.

Disclosure: I earn money from the sale of items on this page

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