Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Frog Spawn Place Value

Frog Themed Place Value Workjobs 


Photo Credit: Frog and Toad Eggs
on Flickr, Creative Commons.

Frogs lay their eggs in clusters and toads lay their eggs in strings.

To practice place value:

1. Lay out a sheet of blue paper (Pond Mathmat) Cut it down the middle. On one paper write frog eggs and on the other write toad eggs.

2. Roll dice of two different colors. The black die could be the ones and the green could be the tens.

3. Use White Reinforcement circles to show the number in clusters (Frog Spawn) or in strings of tens and ones (Toad Spawn)

4. Write the number in digits on the back of each one.

Later on these papers could be laminated and become a matching game with the answers on the back for self-checking.

This is adapted from an idea in Instructor , March, 2001 by Jacqueline Clarke .

More activities with a frog theme can be found at: The Frog Unit Study

Monday, December 20, 2010

Frogs are a popular Unit Study

Children love learning about animals and frogs are one of the more interesting wild animals that can easily be observed by children. In the Frog Unit Study, written by The Homeschool Club Co-Founder, Evelyn Saenz, children learn about frogs and all areas of the curriculum are addressed.

The games Swat the Verb Flies has children pretending to be frogs catching flies. Frogs only eat insects that are moving. By using fly swatters, the children swat at fly shaped cards which have words written on them. If the word is a verb, a word that shows motion, the children (Froglets) swat it.

The games and activities in this Frog Unit Study are unique and original. Be sure to visit often for more frog themed activities all across the curriculum...

The Frog Writing Center

Writing Process

The green spotted table and frog chairs inspire young frogs to write their life histories.

Provide plenty of paper, pencils, and frogs to observe. Novelty pens that are shaped like frogs or paper that is cut in a frog shape can also inspire writing.

Spend time writing every day. Write in all curriculum areas and don't forget to publish the best writing so that everyone can be inspired to write more.

The more you write about frogs the more you will learn about frogs because writing requires observation, deep thinking and accuracy in expressing your thoughts.

From The Frog Unit Study: Hopping to Learn